Over the years, the video speaking model has been one of our hottest features that commands instant attention to website visitors in a seamless, almost life-like manner.
The initial technology for the video speaking model used the Adobe “Flash” video format. This technology is dying out, and web browsers are slowly phasing it out. We expect this technology to completely die out as browsers stop supporting all together.
This means the automatically-loading video speaking model will stop loading automatically. Instead, someone will have to click on in to activate it.
Secondly, on mobile devices, a speaking model would be too invasive especially if the web visitor was not expecting it to pop up – thereby having negative results. This is why on mobile devices, someone has to tap on it to activate it.
Currently, on most browsers:
- You have to click on the model to activate it
- The video is no longer transparent as browsers stop supporting flash
In other words, the internet has phased out this technology, meaning it’s no longer necessary to keep it.
Should you keep the speaking model on?
We’ve left this choice to you. The speaking model is still an effective tool. If you don’t think it’s improving website conversions, just turn it off from the back office.
By default when you get your website, the speaking model is turned off.