
How To Upload A PDF File

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For this, you have to upload the document either by FTP, or through the HTML editor.

If you upload by FTP, you must upload it to the folder “uploads”.

To upload by HTML editor:

1) Go to Customize Website > Add/Edit Content
2) “Edit” the page you would like to edit
3) Click “Advanced Editor”
4) Click on the green icon to upload the document
After you upload, the path to your file will be
http://www.[yourdomain]/uploads/filename – e.g. http://www.[yourdomain]/uploads/filename.pdf

To link to this document:

1) Go to Customize Website > Add/Edit Content
2) “Edit” the page you would like to edit
3) Click “Advanced Editor”
4) Click the “Full Screen” icon on the tool bar
5) Highlight the content you would like to link to the file
6) Click on the “chain” link icon and  link to your file
7) Click “Save”

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