Whenever you have forms on your website – such as contact form, property forms, etc, you have to protect them from spam robots. Over the years, spammers have grown more and more creative to send spam, especially using forms on websites.
Once your website has been indexed by search engines, people will find it, and so will spam robots. You can receive hundreds of spam messages from your forms instead of leads. For this reason you must enable Captcha (image verification) to keep off the spam.
We have 2 types of captcha, a simple image captcha and Google’s reCaptcha:
Intelligent, very effective in fighting spam. Google algorithm decides if to show them images to prove they are human.
Image Captcha
Lately, some spam robots can bypass this. Enable with caution!
To enable reCaptcha
1) Get your reCaptha key from this link.
2) Choose
3) Paste the keys to your back office Customize Website > Customize Website Info and save
That’s all you need to do to protect yourself from internet spam!